Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I'm coming to the conclusion that the only way to live effectively is to dedicate oneself wholly to the art of oneself.

When we neglect ourselves trying to accomplish a laundry list of goals as so many climbing the corporate ladder do, we burn up our spirits up in the process, leaving us dry and brittle, ready to crack at any moment but too solidly hard to be able to. Yet we believe that if we keep going, just a little further, we'll get there, to the fantasy-turned-reality that we depend on to stay numb. When we are in the lower end of the economic spectrum for the majority of our lives, we place the world in a hierarchy in which we are generally always at or near the bottom, with no hope for rising any higher. Some lose this hope due to lack of belief in their own capabilities, but some don't even hope for more at all because they are simply happy with what they have and realize the lies that money and the corporate structure are. There are always exceptions and extremes, but this is generally where most of the functioning U.S. that I have experienced or heard about lives, sometimes weaving in and out of all three.

It is essential not only to stop and take care of ourselves, but to actively pursue our passions, make time to try new things as well as practice them, and then balance those things with work, hopefully as an apprentice to someone you admire in your craft (trust me, you can make money doing anything these days). After all this, with good food, good rest, plenty of water and exercise, we are healthy people who can put good things out into the world. It is then our responsibility to encourage the rest of the world to do the same. This means every corporation in the world not only ought to, but needs to restructure itself in order that the president may work as hard as the oldest mule or newest hire, have the same or very close to the same time off, and make a sincere effort to get to know his employees. This ensures the president can stay humble while earning respect; the employees become naturally inclined to work not harder, but more efficiently, and are able to do so in a healthful and cheerful manner; more work is done with a generally happier client; and all are able to find satisfaction in working together for the production of a common goal.

Therefore, we must continually asses our selves and the ways in which we divide up and balance our time. If we are able to be responsible for our own time and learn to manage it in a way that keeps us the healthiest and most productive possible, then it will only be natural to encourage those around us to do the same. If everyone in the world were to dedicate themselves to themselves in this way, a massive amount of the world's problems would disappear entirely.

It is important to note that none of this would be effective without the dedication to our heart's passions in our spare time. Cleaning, organizing, errands, and maintenance are important, but we must learn to restructure our society so that it is possible for everyone to pursue the things that make them feel good in their own spare time, for nothing is as rejuvenating as the pursuit of passion.

(everything genius is simple)

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